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search in city: Hickory
Companies USA Companies in the state of North Carolina
Cataloxy Hickory...Companies in HickoryEducation, Training & OrganizationsInternational organisations, administrations and associationsEmployment and recruitment associationsHKY4VETS


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Hire Veterans In NC, Civilian Jobs For Vets In North Carolina, Jobs For Military Veterans In North Carolina

We are glad you found us and perhaps want to learn more about WORKING, LIVING & GROWING in the (Hickory Metro of North Carolina) and how this community uniquely tries to assist veterans and their families after your military service ends. We understand the transition for veterans and families back into the civilian world can be a very difficult and frustrating task. Our goal at HKY4Vets is to cut through the noise and make your transition easier, providing you and your family a possible roadmap to a supportive community you might one day call "home". We invite you to explore the HKY4Vets website and learn more about the Hickory Metro - from local resources available to assist veterans and military families, to our beautiful natural areas and ideal, connected hub for mountain biking, trail runs and kayaking.

Established in: 2018

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 Contact person: Nathan Huret
* When you call don't forget to inform that you've found the contact in Cataloxy
 Address: 1960-B 13th Avenue Drive SE
28602, Hickory, North Carolina
Opening hours:
Mon — Fri:from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, no break
Sat — Sun:closed
closed now

Category of HKY4VETS:

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