Hearing Aids-Manufacturers The Staff accountant of Best Orthopedic & Medical Services, Inc. is Ron Renchard Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : (800) 344-5279 • (828) 256-1933 • Fax (828) 256-3924 2356-B Springs Road, NE • Hickory, NC 28601 • USA
BEST Orthopedic™ & Medical Services, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to provide you with a wide selection of orthopedic aids, including arm supports, back supports, binders, cervical collars, leg supports, pillows, rib belts, and stress belts. ORDERING INFORMATION: You may place an order using any of the following methods: call our toll-free telephone number, fax or mail your purchase order, email, or visit our website. There is a $50. 00 minimum fee for ordering. Call toll-free: 800-344-5279 Fax: (828) 256-3924 Mailing Address: BEST Orthopedic™ & Medical Services, Inc. • 2356-B Springs Road NE • Hickory, NC 28601 USA
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Best Orthopedic & Medical Services in Hickory you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 1987
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